We offer a number of free software packages for a
variety of clinical applications from assessment,
clinical database management, progress-note facilitation software,
to clinical case time-series data analysis programs.
For all programs, you may need to right-click on the link and save the link to
disk (or option-click on Mac).
EEG-Locator Borckardt/Hanlon System - Online javascript application for locating EEG 10-20 points (Freeware)
This web-application takes three head measurements (inion to nasion, tragus to tragus, circumference in centimeters). It then allows you to touch on the EEG 10-20 point of interest and gives you the distance(s)
and paths (in cm) to that point. It also gives the probabilistic Brodmann Area most closely associated with each EEG point. This web application is optimized for iPhone, but will work on any internet browser.
EEG-Locator is freeware
Access the web-app:
-Click here to link to the web application
SMA - Version 07.30.20 -Simulation Modeling Analysis program for short streams of time-series data (Freeware)
SMA is a software package designed specifically for single-subject
clinical-case analysis applications. It allows the user to use boostrapping
techniques for statistical significance testing for single-subject designs.
Additionally, SMA is designed to allow users to easily implement parametric
and non-parametric simulation-modeling approaches to signficance testing. Users
can test for signifanct changes in levels (means) between treatment phases as
well as for changes in slope using 5 built-in slope-testing models, partial
correlation functions and a custom slope model. The program implements a cross-correlation model as well with a new Beta-version non-parametric cross correlations.
SMA is freeware
Download a copy:
-MacOS 64-Bit (Updated 6/16/21)
-MacOS Cocoa Universal
-MacOS Cocoa Intel
-Windows 64-bit (Updated 6/16/21)
-MacOS Intel
-MacOS Universal
-MacOS Cocoa PowerPC
-MacOS PowerPC
-User's Guide
Beam_F3 Locator - Program for location F3 from the 10-20-EEG System
This program allows the user to quickly locate the F3 position from the 10-20 EEG system for prefrontal TMS applications.
Beam F3 is freeware
Download a copy:
-Windows (Windows 95 or better)
Download the BA9/BA43 locator version:
-Windows (Windows 95 or better)
Or use the Web-Based Interface
DataTool 1.0 - Program for calculating Tukey's Control Chart parameters
DataTool 1.0 allows users to copy a column of numeric data from most spreadsheet
software packages (e.g., Microsoft Excel) and quickly calculate the median,
mean, 25th and 75th percentiles, fourth-spread, autocorrelation estimate, upper
and lower confidence limits using Tukey's Control Chart Technique and
Autocorrelation-Adjusted confidence limits. The program then allows for easy
export back into most spreadsheet packages for graphing and/or further
DataTool is freeware
Download a copy:
-Windows (Windows 95 or better)
AR_SPC 1.0 - Program for real-time autocorrelation correction of sigma-band estimates.
AR_SPC allows users to copy a column of numeric data from most spreadsheet
software packages (e.g., Microsoft Excel) and quickly calculate the mean,
sigma estimates, and autocorrelation estimate. The program then allows for easy
export back into most spreadsheet packages for graphing and/or further
AR_SPC is freeware
Download a copy:
-Windows (Windows 95 or better)
TMS Motor Threshold Assessment Tool (MTAT 2.1) *UPDATED*
TMS MTAT is a free tool for TMS researchers and practitioners.
It provides 4 PEST procedures using the Maximum-Liklihood strategy
for estimating motor thresholds.
MTAT 2.1 is freeware
-MacOsX 64-bit
-Windows 64-bit
The Mac version of this software was not developed through Apple's pipeline.
to open it, you will have to go to: System Preferences : Security and Privacy : General
and click the "Open Anyway" button.
TMS Motor Threshold Assessment Tool (MTAT 2.0)
TMS MTAT is a free tool for TMS researchers and practitioners.
It provides 4 PEST procedures using the Maximum-Liklihood strategy
for estimating motor thresholds.
MTAT 2.0 is freeware
-MacOSX_Universal Binary
-Windows (Windows 95 or better)
-Windows (Windows 95 or better) 64Bit
EmpiriTrace Beta
EmpiriTrace is a powerful piece of software designed to allow practitioners to
generate custom questionnaires 'on-the-fly' for tracking patient
symptomotology over time (baseline and treatment). The clinician can save
custom questionnaires for individual patients, specifiy how frequently patients
should complete the questionnaire (with automatic date calculation), and
generate custom items for uniques clinical problems. Ultimately, features will
be added to allow for data management, graphing and statistical analysis.
EmpiriTrace is still under development (Beta)
Download a free copy:
Mac OS9
Adaptive PEST for TMS
Adaptive PEST is a free tool for TMS researchers and practitioners.
It utilizes a very simple non-parametric algorithim for estimating TMS motor threshold.
Adaptive PEST is freeware
-MacOSX-Universal Binary
-Windows (Windows 95 or better)
ClinTrak 3
ClinTrak is a full-featured program for recording, archiving and generating
progress-notes. A full index of DSM-IV diagnostic code is built into the
program as well as some sample progress-note templates and
intervention-templates. Data files are encrypted in compliance with HIPAA
regulations and the APA ethics code.
ClinTrak3 is freeware.
Download a copy of the full package:
-Mac OSX
-Windows 95 or better
ClinTrak3 UPDATE (4/1/06):
Click below to download the latest UPDATE of the application. This will not
disturb your templates or files. Download from the link below. UnZip or UnStuff
the file. Drag the program into the ClinTrak Folder and replace the old program
with the new downloaded one. Make sure you replace the old program with the new
one...do not just place an 'alias' or 'shortcut' into the ClinTrak folder... it
must be a copy of the new downloaded program. Do not replace or disturb the
folder called 'Resources' or any of the folders or files within it.
Download the UPDATE:
FreePrime is an interactive program for designing and administering VAS
rating scales and study instructions. This program is messy!
FreePrime (Beta)
Download a free copy:
MUSC-IOP 2N Treatment Planning Software (TxPlanner)
Download the Treatment Planning Software specifically designed for 2-North in
the Institute of Psychiatry at MUSC. NOTE: This software will only work within
the MUSC network and will only run for designated MUSC users with access to the PH Waiting List folder on the N-Drive.
TxPlanner is freeware
Download a copy:
Windows on MUSC's Lynx System
MUSC-IOP 2N Clinical Assessment Software (CAS)
Download the Clinical Assessment Software specifically designed for 2-North in
the Institute of Psychiatry at MUSC. NOTE: This software will only work within
the MUSC network and will only run for designated MUSC users with access to the PH Waiting List folder on the N-Drive.
CAS is freeware
Download a copy:
Data Collector Windows on MUSC Lynx System
Download the random audit or sample-calculation programs for Windows: